Name : Chainsaw Man
Language : Jap (Hindi subtitles)
Geners : Shonen Manga Action
Chainsaw Man
(チェンソーマン Chensōman?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The series is divided into two parts, abound acumen the Public Safety Saga (officially referred to as an arc) and the Academy Saga. The Public Safety Saga, which contains 97 chapters, advantages follows Denji as the main aches achey protagonist. The ongoing Academy Saga introduces a new main protagonist, Asa Mitaka.
Serialization of the Public Safety Saga began on December 3, 2018 and concluded on December 14, 2020. An anime adaptation by studio MAPPA adapted the first part of the series up to the Katana Man arc in its first season.
Chainsaw Man is a captivating manga series that has gained significant popularity among readers. With its unique blend of action, horror, and dark humor, it offers a thrilling and intense storyline. The artwork is visually stunning, complementing the gripping narrative. Those seeking an engaging and gripping manga experience will find Chainsaw Man a compelling choice.